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IWsDNS Interface

Namespace:  WsDns
Assembly:  WsDns (in WsDns.dll) Version: (
[ServiceContractAttribute(Namespace = "")]
public interface IWsDNS

The IWsDNS type exposes the following members.

Public methodCheckIsAvailableDns
This method return a Dns zone availability. A Dns zone ca be available for purchase or, if not available could be owned or not owned by calling user the method.
Public methodGetAllDNS
Method returns a list of Dns services acquired by authenticated user.
Public methodGetAllDnsCost
Method returns total cost of Dns services acquired by authenticated user.
Public methodGetDnsPricelist
Method retrieve pricelist of Dns related products.
Public methodGetDNSRecords
Method can be used to retrieve a list DnsREcords in a specified input Dns zone.
Public methodGetDnsTLDs
Method can be used to retrieve a list of available TLD.
Public methodGetJobs
Method retrieve of active active jobs related Dns operations.
Public methodGetLogs
Method retrieve a list of completed and failded jobs related to Dns operations.
Public methodGetPurchasedDNS
Method returns a list of Dns services acquired by authenticated user.
Public methodSetDisableDNS
Method is aimed to Disable a Dns Zone owned by authenticartted user. An a record pointing to a courtesy page is set in the zone.
Public methodSetDnsRecords
Method can be used to set a Dns zone.
Public methodSetEnableDNS
Method is aimed to restore a previously disabled Dns Zone.
Public methodSetPurchaseDNS
Method can be used to purchase a Dns zone by authenticated user.
Public methodSetRemoveDNS
Method can be used to remove a Dns zone owned by authenticated user.
See Also