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IWsBackupGetAccountsCost Method

Returns the list of accounts costs

Namespace:  Aruba.Cloud.WsBackup
Assembly:  Aruba.Cloud.WsBackup (in Aruba.Cloud.WsBackup.dll) Version: (
WsResult<List<ServiceAccountCost>> GetAccountsCost()

Return Value

Type: WsResultListServiceAccountCost
The method returns an object containing information on the outcome WsResultOfArrayOfServiceAccountCost. The Value property for instance returns a List<ServiceAccountCost>.
The following example describes a method, called GetCosts(), which means a call to GetAccountsCost() to Aruba WsBackup, get a list of objects of class ServiceAccountCost. The list thus obtained is cycled so as to extract the information about user's costs for each Backup Services.
// Returns a list of string that displays the current user's backup costs
private String GetCosts()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
using (var client = this.WsBackupClient)
var result = client.GetAccountsCost();
if (result.Success)
foreach(var ac in result.Value)
sb.Append(string.Format("Account type: {0}, Monthly Cost: {1}", ac.AccountType.ToString(), ac.MonthlyCost.ToString()));
throw new ApplicationException(String.Format("An error has occurred while invoking GetAccountsCost(). This is the inner exception: {0}", result.ResultMessage));
return sb.ToString();
See Also