IWsCommon Interface |
Namespace: Aruba.Cloud.WsCommon
The IWsCommon type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
CancelVerificationCode |
Using the method CancelVerificationCode of Aruba WsCommon,you can cancel your verification code
| |
ChangeContact |
Using the method ChangeContact of Aruba WsCommon,you can change the value of your contact
| |
CheckVerificationCode |
Using the method CheckVerificationCode of Aruba WsCommon,you can verify your contact information
| |
DeactivateUserOtp |
Delete the user on the provider system and set OtpAcive = false.
| |
GetAvailableApplicationPermissions |
The method returns for each method of a service the feasibility based on the permissions of the user.
The method GetAvailableApplicationPermissions() function to check if the user has permission to execute
the methods of a public service.
It is invoked passing in input the name of the public service, so as to obtain the list of the methods of
the service with its enforceability by the user sample output: AvailablePermission[].
MethodName (eg SetEnqueueServerCreation) PermissionStatus (0 non-executable, executable 1)
| |
GetAvailableApplicationPermissionsList |
The method returns for each method of a service the feasibility based on the permissions of the user.
The method GetAvailableApplicationPermissionsList() function to check if the user has permission to execute
the methods of a list of public services.
It is invoked passing in input the names of the public service, so as to obtain the list of the methods
of the list of services with theirs enforceability by the user sample output: List AvailablePermission[].
MethodName (eg SetEnqueueServerCreation) PermissionStatus (0 non-executable, executable 1)
| |
GetBillingReport |
The method search for billed resources in the specified period.
Is it possible to avoid passing the pagination object, in which case the method will returns the whole set of rows.
| |
GetCompanyBannerByUrl |
This method returns informations about banners of a specific company defined in the URL domain.
| |
GetCompanyByUrl |
The method obtains information about a company on the URL domain. By the method GetCompanyByUrl is possible
to obtain an object WsResult(ComnpanySettings[]) which contains the information on the Company which
responds to the URL indicated as a parameter.
| |
GetContracts |
Using the method GetContracts of Aruba WsCommon, you can get Contract information about a defined service.
| |
GetCredit |
The method gets the updated value of the credit for the user. Using the method GetCredit()
of Aruba WsCommon you can check the credit associated with the account specified in the
authentication phase. In addition to the remaining credit, the method GetCredit() displays
the value of the granted credit.
| |
GetCreditProjection |
The method does a projection on the user credit and tells in wich time the credit expires
| |
GetDatacenterConfigurations |
The method gets the data center configurations available. Using the method GetDatacenterConfigurations()
you can get information about the configuration settings of datacenter available at the time of the call.
| |
GetMaintenanceAlertSettings |
Using the method of Aruba WsCommon, you can get information whether the Maintenance Alert banner should be shown
| |
GetNews |
Using the method GetNews of Aruba WsCommon,
you can get detailed information about news regarding the user. For example,
if a server was created or shut down correctly.
| |
GetPriceList |
The method gets the price list associated with the account indicated. Using the method GetPriceList()
WsCommon of Aruba, you can get the price list times applied to the account specified in the authentication phase.
The hourly rates of the various resources may vary depending on different factors such as hypervisor and customer.
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GetPurchasedCustomProductDetails |
The method gets the Custom Products purchased for one specific Custom Product
| |
GetPurchasedCustomProducts |
The method gets the Custom Products purchased that have no Reference to other Services
| |
GetServiceRequests |
The method returns the API requests for the logged user, filtered by options specified in "request" parameter.
| |
GetUserAuthenticationToken | Obsolete.
The method generates an authentication token and associates it with the account indicated.
Each user is assigned a unique token, valid for a few hours, certifying the authentication service.
If you have a valid token you can make calls to methods of WSEndUser.After each call to any method of
Aruba WSEndUser, the service checks for a valid token for the account that you specify.
If this does not exist, or if the token is found to be expired, you will need to authenticate again
to get it.
| |
GetUserCounterServices |
Retrieves some statistics about the resources used by the user
| |
GetUserInfo |
The method gets the user information. Using the method GetUserInfo of Aruba WsCommon, you can get detailed
information at the time the account specified authentication.
For example, you can learn about the unique identifier assigned to the (UserId),
or whether the user is active or is disabled.
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GetUserOtp |
Returns information associated to the provided username.
| |
NotifyLogin |
Update the user profile's LoginAfterResetPwd field.
| |
RequestTokenOtp |
Requests the token.
| |
RequestVerificationCode |
Using the method RequestVerificationCode of Aruba WsCommon,you can verify your contact
| |
SaveDevice |
Using the method of Aruba WsCommon, you can save a device
saveDeviceRequest | |
SetDeviceDisconnected |
Using the method of Aruba WsCommon, you can disconnect a device
setDeviceDisconnectedRequest | |
SetNewDeviceId |
Using the method of Aruba WsCommon, you can set a new device
setNewDeviceIdRequest | |
SetOtpActive |
Set the field OtpActive = true in table Users in ArubaCloudUsers DB
| |
SetReadNews |
Using the method SetReadNews of Aruba WsCommon,
you can set readed's news property.
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SyncToken |
Synchronizes the token for the provided username.